Fiachra Woodman

Fiachra Woodman


Fiachra has held a variety of IT Management and Technical roles in Banking, Retail, Insurance, Fund Management and Travel sectors, working with companies such as AIB, CCB, Gartmore Fund Managers, Henderson Investors, AMP, NPI, Pearl Assurance and River Island.

During his tenure as IT Director for AIMIA, EMEA Fiachra oversaw the building of “Nectar”, the UKs largest loyalty programme and the world renowned Retail SKU analytics platform “Self-Serve” before setting up AIMIA’s Global Innovation Lab, a startup inside a corporate, charged with building fast, working prototypes of new and disruptive consumer propositions.

In 2016 Fiachra became VP of Payment Solutions for Nectar, leaving in 2017 to become CTO of a UAE startup, and co-founder of Brightspark Innovations Ltd in the UK. Brightspark continues to provide Innovation and Technology consultancy services to a number of UK companies.